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Wet Paint Blog

WET PAINT Artists' Materials & Framing in St. Paul, MN

Professionally Tested and Reviewed by Giovanni Balzarani: The Wet Paint Watercolor Sampler

Have you ever wanted to try one of each of the numerous watercolor papers Wet Paint stocks? Then let us introduce you to the custom Wet Paint Watercolor Paper Sampler.

We’ve been creating original collections of watercolor paper for almost 20 years, packaged and ready to go home with curious artists just like you. The range of papers changes a bit with each incarnation, as exciting, new sheets become available. Amongst the dozen roughly 10×11” sheets, you’ll find old favorites like Fabriano and Arches, less conventional choices like St. Armand and Yupo, plus a variety of other fun finds. It’s a great way to try different textures, weights, and tones without investing in twelve full sheets of watercolor paper!

World-renowned Italian watercolor artist, Giovanni Balzarani, recently tried our Watercolor Paper Sampler, and he came back with some great feedback, amazing paintings…and a clear favorite from his Sampler. Here’s some of what he had to say:

I have painted real and genuine watercolors on different papers instead of [just doing] simple color tests; I wanted to test the reaction of my technique and style on different papers.[My] black [background] technique is inspired, as in all my artworks, to the impressionist pointillism by George Seurat."

I don’t like flat black, it seems a graphic advertising matter [like a print]: from the black there are not flat colors, that are in movement.

Referring to the Arches 300lb Rough (Giovanni’s “winner” from this version of the Sampler):

The best paper for my method and hyper-realistic still-life details is the Arches 300 lbs, because it keeps more the tone, it dries in different times from the others (sometime faster, sometimes slower but always with the right time to work /paint/ on.) As you will find in the step-by-step, colors have tones that do not change so much, thanks to the great quality of natural elements given from Daniel Smith; in this case the paper has a secondary role.”

It has been interesting understanding all these reactions very similar to each other, but that have only one small difference: the woof (weft), that gives to still-life watercolor painting a different effect: sometimes photographic, sometimes raw, sometimes realistic.”

Giovanni also had some successful results on the Fabriano 140lb Cold Press.

Balzarani is also a Daniel Smith Watercolor Paint Ambassador, so nearly all his paintings are done with Daniel Smith paint. Make sure you visit his websites to see more of his amazing work!

To purchase the Wet Paint Watercolor Paper Sampler and find your new favorite, please visit our website!

This blog was written by the Wet Paint Marketing Team of Christopher Nolt and Kristina Fjellman. Follow us on Instagram @wetpaintart or on Facebook

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